Puppy Training

Set your puppy (and your family) up for success from the start by utilizing our puppy training services. Many of the resources regarding dog training today are counter to current science and riddled with misinformation in reference to dominance theory and “pack leadership”. Through an ethical start with a focus on socialization and positive reinforcement, we work with you to create lasting, desirable behavior in your puppy lasts a lifetime and is not based on fear or force.

Puppy training takes place both in your home and in public. Socialization is a big part of our training, as the experiences a puppy has before 16 weeks of age has lifelong effects. The areas we focus on for training are:

  • Crate Training or Confinement Training

  • Not jumping on guests

  • How to walk politely on a leash

  • Recall or come when called

  • Problem-prevention of chewing & biting

  • “Leave it”, and more!

The first session is a consultation where we meet and discuss your goals, lifestyle, and get to know your puppy. The cost for consultation is $150. During the consultation you will get lots of practical advice on living with and raising your puppy and afterwards, a training and socialization plan tailored to your lifestyle and goals.

See additional services offered below…

Pricing for Training Services:

Puppy & Dog Training

Behavior Consultation (in your home): $150

good dog training should be accessible for all, if you cannot afford the cost, please inquire about discounts

Training Sessions: $75/one hour session or 5 sessions for $300

in your home or the community

Puppy Daycare (Hours: 10am-2pm)

Daycare in my home: $25/day, 5 “punch pass” for $100

Daycare includes supervised playtime with small number of other puppies or dogs and reinforcement of basic skills such as potty training, bite inhibition, not jumping up, sit, etc. This is a great option for puppies under 1 year of age and for puppy parents who need a break!

Daycare is only available for dogs & puppies under 35#

Puppies enjoying Puppy Daycare & practicing their good manners

FREE 16-minute video on Puppy Socialization dos & don’ts made in partnership with Wag Workshops

Recommended Reading:

“Puppy Socialization - What it is & How to Do it”

“Canine Enrichment for the Real World”